CISA Certified Information Systems Auditor – Question0924

Which of the following component of an expert system allows the expert to enter knowledge into the system without the traditional mediation of a software engineer?

Decision tree
B. Rules
C. Semantic nets
D. Knowledge interface

Correct Answer: D


Knowledge interface allows the expert to enter knowledge into the system without the traditional mediation of a software engineer.
For CISA Exam you should know below information about Artificial Intelligence and Expert System
Artificial intelligence is the study and application of the principles by which:
Knowledge is acquired and used
Goals are generated and achieved
Information is communicated
Collaboration is achieved
Concepts are formed
Languages are developed
Two main programming languages that have been developed for artificial intelligence are LISP and PROLOG.
Expert system are compromised primary components, called shells, when they are not populated with particular data, and the shells are designed to host new expert system.
Keys to the system is the knowledge base (KB), which contains specific information or fact patterns associated with a particular subject matter and the rule for interpreting these facts. The KB interface with a database in obtaining data to analyze a particular problem in deriving an expert conclusion. The information in the KB can be expressed in several ways:
Decision Tree – Using questionnaires to lead the user through a series of choices, until a conclusion is reached. Flexibility is compromised because the user must answer the questions in an exact sequence.
Rule – Expressing declarative knowledge through the use of if-then relationships. For example, if a patient’s body temperature is over 39 degrees Celsius and their pulse is under 60, then they might be suffering from a certain disease.
Semantic nets – Consist of a graph in which the node represent physical or conceptual object and the arcs describe the relationship between the nodes. Semantic nets resemble a data flow diagram and make use of an inheritance mechanism to prevent duplication of a data.
Additionally, the inference engine shown is a program that uses the KB and determines the most appropriate outcome based on the information supplied by the user. In addition, an expert system includes the following components
Knowledge interface – Allows the expert to enter knowledge into the system without the traditional mediation of a software engineer.
Data Interface – Enables the expert system to collect data from nonhuman sources, such as measurement instruments in a power plant.
The following were incorrect answers:
Decision Tree – Using questionnaires to lead the user through a series of choices, until a conclusion is reached. Flexibility is compromised because the user must answer the questions in an exact sequence.
Rule – Expressing declarative knowledge through the use of if-then relationships.
Semantic nets – Semantic nets consist of a graph in which the node represent physical or conceptual object and the arcs describe the relationship between the nodes.
CISA review manual 2014 Page number 187