CISA Certified Information Systems Auditor – Question3014

Which of the following types of firewalls would BEST protect a network from an internet attack?

Screened subnet firewall
B. Application filtering gateway
C. Packet filtering router
D. Circuit-level gateway

Correct Answer: A


A screened subnet firewall would provide the best protection. The screening router can be a commercial router or a node with routing capabilities and the ability to allow or avoid traffic between nets or nodes based on addresses, ports, protocols, interfaces, etc.
Application-level gateways are mediators between two entities that want to communicate, also known as proxy gateways. The application level (proxy) works at the application level, not just at a package level. The screening controls at the package level, addresses and ports, but does not see the contents of the package. A packet filtering router examines the header of every packet or data traveling between the internet and the corporate network.