Systems Security Certified Practitioner – SSCP – Question1020

Which of the following rules appearing in an Internet firewall policy is inappropriate?

Source routing shall be disabled on all firewalls and external routers.
B. Firewalls shall be configured to transparently allow all outbound and inbound services.
C. Firewalls should fail to a configuration that denies all services, and require a firewall administrator to re-enable services after a firewall has failed.
D. Firewalls shall not accept traffic on its external interfaces that appear to be coming from internal network addresses.

Correct Answer: B


Unless approved by the Network Services manager, all in-bound services shall be intercepted and processed by the firewall. Allowing unrestricted services inbound and outbound is certainly NOT recommended and very dangerous.
Pay close attention to the keyword: all
All of the other choices presented are recommended practices for a firewall policy.
Reference(s) used for this question: GUTTMAN, Barbara & BAGWILL, Robert, NIST Special Publication 800-xx, Internet Security Policy: A Technical Guide, Draft Version, May 25, 2000 (page 78).