Systems Security Certified Practitioner – SSCP – Question0128

Which access control model provides upper and lower bounds of access capabilities for a subject?

Role-based access control
B. Lattice-based access control
C. Biba access control
D. Content-dependent access control

Correct Answer: B


In the lattice model, users are assigned security clearences and the data is classified. Access decisions are made based on the clearence of the user and the classification of the object. Lattice-based access control is an essential ingredient of formal security models such as Bell-LaPadula, Biba, Chinese Wall, etc.
The bounds concept comes from the formal definition of a lattice as a “partially ordered set for which every pair of elements has a greatest lower bound and a least upper bound.” To see the application, consider a file classified as “SECRET” and a user Joe with a security clearence of “TOP SECRET.” Under Bell-LaPadula, Joe’s “least upper bound” access to the file is “READ” and his least lower bound is “NO WRITE” (star property).
Role-based access control is incorrect. Under RBAC, the access is controlled by the permissions assigned to a role and the specific role assigned to the user.
Biba access control is incorrect. The Biba integrity model is based on a lattice structure but the context of the question disqualiifes it as the best answer.
Content-dependent access control is incorrect. In content dependent access control, the actual content of the information determines access as enforced by the arbiter.
CBK, pp. 324-325. AIO3, pp. 291-293. See aprticularly Figure 5-19 on p. 293 for an illustration of bounds in action.