Systems Security Certified Practitioner – SSCP – Question0182

Which of the following access control techniques best gives the security officers the ability to specify and enforce enterprise-specific security policies in a way that maps naturally to an organization's structure?

Access control lists
B. Discretionary access control
C. Role-based access control
D. Non-mandatory access control

Correct Answer: C


Role-based access control (RBAC) gives the security officers the ability to specify and enforce enterprise-specific security policies in a way that maps naturally to an organization’s structure. Each user is assigned one or more roles, and each role is assigned one or more privileges that are given to users in that role. An access control list (ACL) is a table that tells a system which access rights each user has to a particular system object. With discretionary access control, administration is decentralized and owners of resources control other users’ access. Non-mandatory access control is not a defined access control technique. Source: ANDRESS, Mandy, Exam Cram CISSP, Coriolis, 2001, Chapter 2: Access Control Systems and Methodology (page 9).