Systems Security Certified Practitioner – SSCP – Question0316

Which of the following is an advantage in using a bottom-up versus a top-down approach to software testing?

Interface errors are detected earlier.
B. Errors in critical modules are detected earlier.
C. Confidence in the system is achieved earlier.
D. Major functions and processing are tested earlier.

Correct Answer: B


The bottom-up approach to software testing begins with the testing of atomic units, such as programs and modules, and work upwards until a complete system testing has taken place. The advantages of using a bottom-up approach to software testing are the fact that there is no need for stubs or drivers and errors in critical modules are found earlier. The other choices refer to advantages of a top down approach which follows the opposite path.
Source: Information Systems Audit and Control Association, Certified Information Systems Auditor 2002 review manual, chapter 6: Business Application System Development, Acquisition, Implementation and Maintenance (page 299).