Systems Security Certified Practitioner – SSCP – Question0586

A contingency plan should address:

Potential risks.
B. Residual risks.
C. Identified risks.
D. All answers are correct.

Correct Answer: D


Because it is rarely possible or cost effective to eliminate all risks, an attempt is made to reduce risks to an acceptable level through the risk assessment process. This process allows, from a set of potential risks (whether likely or not), to come up with a set of identified, possible risks.
The implementation of security controls allows reducing the identified risks to a smaller set of residual risks. Because these residual risks represent the complete set of situations that could affect system performance, the scope of the contingency plan may be reduced to address only this decreased risk set.
As a result, the contingency plan can be narrowly focused, conserving resources while ensuring an effective system recovery capability. Source: SWANSON, Marianne, & al., National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), NIST Special Publication 800-34, Contingency Planning Guide for Information Technology Systems, December 2001 (page 7).