Systems Security Certified Practitioner – SSCP – Question0092

Which of the following describes the major disadvantage of many Single Sign-On (SSO) implementations?

Once an individual obtains access to the system through the initial log-on, they have access to all resources within the environment that the account has access to.
B. The initial logon process is cumbersome to discourage potential intruders.
C. Once a user obtains access to the system through the initial log-on, they only need to logon to some applications.
D. Once a user obtains access to the system through the initial log-on, he has to logout from all other systems

Correct Answer: A


Single Sign-On is a distrubuted Access Control methodology where an individual only has to authenticate once and would have access to all primary and secondary network domains. The individual would not be required to re-authenticate when they needed additional resources. The security issue that this creates is if a fraudster is able to compromise those credential they too would have access to all the resources that account has access to.
All the other answers are incorrect as they are distractors.