Systems Security Certified Practitioner – SSCP – Question0590

Which of the following teams should NOT be included in an organization's contingency plan?

Damage assessment team
B. Hardware salvage team
C. Tiger team
D. Legal affairs team

Correct Answer: C


According to NIST’s Special publication 800-34, a capable recovery strategy will require some or all of the following functional groups: Senior management official, management team, damage assessment team, operating system administration team, systems software team, server recovery team, LAN/WAN recovery team, database recovery team, network operations recovery team, telecommunications team, hardware salvage team, alternate site recovery coordination team, original site restoration/salvage coordination team, test team, administrative support team, transportation and relocation team, media relations team, legal affairs team, physical/personal security team, procurements team. Ideally, these teams would be staffed with the personnel responsible for the same or similar operation under normal conditions. A tiger team, originally a U.S. military jargon term, defines a team (of sneakers) whose purpose is to penetrate security, and thus test security measures. Used today for teams performing ethical hacking.
Source: SWANSON, Marianne, & al., National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), NIST Special Publication 800-34, Contingency Planning Guide for Information Technology Systems, December 2001 (page 23).