Your organization leverages an IP Address Management (IPAM) product to manage IP address distribution. The IPAM exposes an API. Development teams use CloudFormation to provision approved reference architectures. At deployment time, IP addresses must be allocated to the VPC. When the VPC is deleted, the IPAM must reclaim the VPC’s IP allocation.
Which method allows for efficient, automated integration of the IPAM with CloudFormation?
A. AWS CloudFormation parameters using the “Ref::” intrinsic function
B. AWS CloudFormation custom resource using an AWS Lambda invocation.
C. CloudFormation::OpsWorks::Stack with custom Chef configuration.
D. AWS CloudFormation parameters using the “Fn::FindInMap” intrinsic function.
Which method allows for efficient, automated integration of the IPAM with CloudFormation?
A. AWS CloudFormation parameters using the “Ref::” intrinsic function
B. AWS CloudFormation custom resource using an AWS Lambda invocation.
C. CloudFormation::OpsWorks::Stack with custom Chef configuration.
D. AWS CloudFormation parameters using the “Fn::FindInMap” intrinsic function.