A vehicle insurance company needs to choose a highly available database to track vehicle owners and their insurance details. The persisted data should be immutable in the database, including the complete and sequenced history of changes over time with all the owners and insurance transfer details for a vehicle. The data should be easily verifiable for the data lineage of an insurance claim.
Which approach meets these requirements with MINIMAL effort?
A. Create a blockchain to store the insurance details. Validate the data using a hash function to verify the data lineage of an insurance claim.
B. Create an Amazon DynamoDB table to store the insurance details. Validate the data using AWS DMS validation by moving the data to Amazon S3 to verify the data lineage of an insurance claim.
C. Create an Amazon QLDB ledger to store the insurance details. Validate the data by choosing the ledger name in the digest request to verify the data lineage of an insurance claim.
D. Create an Amazon Aurora database to store the insurance details. Validate the data using AWS DMS validation by moving the data to Amazon S3 to verify the data lineage of an insurance claim.
Which approach meets these requirements with MINIMAL effort?
A. Create a blockchain to store the insurance details. Validate the data using a hash function to verify the data lineage of an insurance claim.
B. Create an Amazon DynamoDB table to store the insurance details. Validate the data using AWS DMS validation by moving the data to Amazon S3 to verify the data lineage of an insurance claim.
C. Create an Amazon QLDB ledger to store the insurance details. Validate the data by choosing the ledger name in the digest request to verify the data lineage of an insurance claim.
D. Create an Amazon Aurora database to store the insurance details. Validate the data using AWS DMS validation by moving the data to Amazon S3 to verify the data lineage of an insurance claim.