AWS DevOps Engineer Professional DOP-C01 – Question443

You want to pass queue messages that are 1GB each.
How should you achieve this?

Use Kinesis as a buffer stream for message bodies. Store the checkpoint id for the placement in the Kinesis Stream in SQS.
B. Use the Amazon SQS Extended Client Library for Java and Amazon S3 as a storage mechanism for message bodies.
C. Use SQS's support for message partitioning and multi-part uploads on Amazon S3.
D. Use AWS EFS as a shared pool storage medium. Store filesystem pointers to the files on disk in the SQS message bodies.

Correct Answer: B


You can manage Amazon SQS messages with Amazon S3. This is especially useful for storing and retrieving messages with a message size of up to 2 GB. To manage Amazon SQS messages with Amazon S3, use the Amazon SQS Extended Client Library for Java.