AWS DevOps Engineer Professional DOP-C01 – Question260

A DevOps engineer is implementing governance controls for a company that requires its infrastructure to be housed within the United States. The engineer must restrict which Regions can be used, and ensure an alert is sent as soon as possible if any activity outside the governance policy takes place. The controls should be automatically enabled on any new Region outside the United States.
Which combination of actions will meet these requirements? (Choose two.)

Create an AWS Organizations SCP that denies access to all non-global services in non-US Regions. Attach the policy to the root of the organization.
B. Configure AWS CloudTrail to send logs to Amazon CloudWatch Logs and enable it for all Regions. Use a CloudWatch Logs metric filter to send an alert on any service activity in non-US Regions.
C. Use an AWS Lambda function that checks for AWS service activity and deploy it to all Regions. Write an Amazon CloudWatch Events rule that runs the Lambda function every hour, sending an alert if activity is found in a non-US Region.
D. Use an AWS Lambda function to query Amazon Inspector to look for service activity in non-US Regions and send alerts if any activity is found.
E. Write an SCP using the aws:RequestedRegion condition key limiting access to US Regions. Apply the policy to all users, groups, and roles.

Correct Answer: BC

AWS DevOps Engineer Professional DOP-C01 – Question259

An ecommerce company is receiving reports that its order history page is experiencing delays in reflecting the processing status of orders. The order processing system consists of an AWS Lambda function using reserved concurrency. The Lambda function processes order messages from an Amazon SQS queue and inserts processed orders into an Amazon DynamoDB table. The DynamoDB table has Auto Scaling enabled for read and write capacity.
Which actions will diagnose and resolve the delay? (Choose two.)

Check the ApproximateAgeOfOldestMessage metric for the SQS queue and increase the Lambda function concurrency limit.
B. Check the ApproximateAgeOfOldestMessage metric for the SQS queue and configure a redrive policy on the SQS queue.
C. Check the NumberOfMessagesSent metric for the SQS queue and increase the SQS queue visibility timeout.
D. Check the ThrottledWriteRequests metric for the DynamoDB table and increase the maximum write capacity units for the table's Auto Scaling policy.
E. Check the Throttles metric for the Lambda function and increase the Lambda function timeout.

Correct Answer: CE

AWS DevOps Engineer Professional DOP-C01 – Question258

A company is developing a web application's infrastructure using AWS CloudFormation. The database engineering team maintains the database resources in a CloudFormation template, and the software development team maintains the web application resources in a separate CloudFormation template. As the scope of the application grows, the software development team needs to use resources maintained by the database engineering team. However, both teams have their own review and lifecycle management processes that they want to keep. Both teams also require resource-level change-set reviews. The software development team would like to deploy changes to this template using their CI/CD pipeline.
Which solution will meet these requirements?

Create a stack export from the database CloudFormation template and import those references into the web application CloudFormation template.
B. Create a CloudFormation nested stack to make cross-stack resource references and parameters available in both stacks.
C. Create a CloudFormation stack set to make cross-stack resource references and parameters available in both stacks.
D. Create input parameters in the web application CloudFormation template and pass resource names and IDs from the database stack.

Correct Answer: C

AWS DevOps Engineer Professional DOP-C01 – Question257

A company is using AWS to deploy an application. The development team must automate the deployments. The team has created an AWS CodePipeline pipeline to deploy the application to Amazon EC2 instances using AWS CodeDeploy after it has been built using AWS CodeBuild.
The team wants to add automated testing to the pipeline to confirm that the application is healthy before deploying the code to the EC2 instances. The team also requires a manual approval action before the application is deployed, even if the tests are successful. The testing and approval must be accomplished at the lowest costs, using the simplest management solution.
Which solution will meet these requirements?

Create a manual approval action after the build action of the pipeline. Use Amazon SNS to inform the team of the stage being triggered. Next, add a test action using CodeBuild to perform the required tests. At the end of the pipeline, add a deploy action to deploy the application to the next stage.
B. Create a test action after the CodeBuild build of the pipeline. Configure the action to use CodeBuild to perform the required test. If these tests are successful, mark the action as successful. Add a manual approval action that uses Amazon SNS to notify the team, and add a deploy action to deploy the application to the next stage.
C. Create a new pipeline that uses a source action that gets the code from the same repository as the first pipeline. Add a deploy action to deploy the code to a test environment. Use a test action using AWS Lambda to test the deployment. Add a manual approval action by using Amazon SNS to notify the team, and add a deploy action to deploy the application to the next stage.
D. Create a test action after the build action. Use a Jenkins server on Amazon EC2 to perform the required tests and mark the action as successful if the tests pass. Create a manual approval action that uses Amazon SQS to notify the team and add a deploy action to deploy the application to the next stage.

Correct Answer: B

AWS DevOps Engineer Professional DOP-C01 – Question256

A DevOps engineer has been tasked with ensuring that all Amazon S3 buckets, except for those with the word "public" in the name, allow access only to authorized users utilizing S3 bucket policies. The security team wants to be notified when a bucket is created without the proper policy and for the policy to be automatically updated.
Which solutions will meet these requirements?

Create a custom AWS Config rule that will trigger an AWS Lambda function when an S3 bucket is created or updated. Use the Lambda function to look for S3 buckets that should be private, but that do not have a bucket policy that enforces privacy. When such a bucket is found, invoke a remediation action and use Amazon SNS to notify the security team.
B. Create an Amazon EventBridge (Amazon CloudWatch Events) rule that triggers when an S3 bucket is created. Use an AWS Lambda function to determine whether the bucket should be private. If the bucket should be private, update the PublicAccessBlock configuration. Configure a second EventBridge (CloudWatch Events) rule to notify the security team using Amazon SNS when PutBucketPolicy is called.
C. Create an Amazon S3 event notification that triggers when an S3 bucket is created that does not have the word "public" in the name. Define an AWS Lambda function as a target for this notification and use the function to apply a new default policy to the S3 bucket. Create an additional notification with the same filter and use Amazon SNS to send an email to the security team.
D. Create an Amazon EventBridge (Amazon CloudWatch Events) rule that triggers when a new object is created in a bucket that does not have the word "public" in the name. Target and use an AWS Lambda function to update the PublicAccessBlock configuration. Create an additional notification with the same filter and use Amazon SNS to send an email to the security team.

Correct Answer: D

AWS DevOps Engineer Professional DOP-C01 – Question255

An application's users are encountering bugs immediately after Amazon API Gateway deployments. The development team deploys once or twice a day and uses a blue/green deployment strategy with custom health checks and automated rollbacks. The team wants to limit the number of users affected by deployment bugs and receive notifications when rollbacks are needed.
Which combination of steps should a DevOps engineer use to meet these requests? (Choose two.)

Implement a blue/green strategy using path mappings.
B. Implement a canary deployment strategy.
C. Implement a rolling deployment strategy using multiple stages.
D. Use Amazon CloudWatch alarms to notify the development team.
E. Use Amazon CloudWatch Events to notify the development team.

Correct Answer: AC

AWS DevOps Engineer Professional DOP-C01 – Question254

A company is using AWS CodePipeline to deploy an application. A recent policy change requires that a member of the company's security team sign off on any application changes before they are deployed into production. The approval should be recorded and retained.
Which combination of actions will meet these new requirements? (Choose two.)

Configure CodePipeline with Amazon CloudWatch Logs to retain data.
B. Configure CodePipeline to deliver action logs to Amazon S3.
C. Create an AWS CloudTrail trail to deliver logs to Amazon S3.
D. Create a custom CodePipeline action to invoke an AWS Lambda function for approval. Create a policy that gives the security team access to manage custom CodePipeline actions.
E. Create a manual approval CodePipeline action before the deployment step. Create a policy that grants the security team access to approve manual approval stages.

Correct Answer: CE

AWS DevOps Engineer Professional DOP-C01 – Question253

A company has 100 GB of log data in an Amazon S3 bucket stored in .csv format. SQL developers want to query this data and generate graphs to visualize it. They also need an efficient, automated way to store metadata from the .csv file.
Which combination of steps should be taken to meet these requirements with the LEAST amount of effort? (Choose three.)

Filter the data through AWS X-Ray to visualize the data.
B. Filter the data through Amazon QuickSight to visualize the data.
C. Query the data with Amazon Athena.
D. Query the data with Amazon Redshift.
E. Use AWS Glue as the persistent metadata store.
F. Use Amazon S3 as the persistent metadata store.

Correct Answer: BCF

AWS DevOps Engineer Professional DOP-C01 – Question252

A company is using AWS CodePipeline to automate its release pipeline. AWS CodeDeploy is being used in the pipeline to deploy an application to Amazon ECS using the blue/green deployment model. The company wants to implement scripts to test the green version of the application before shifting traffic. These scripts will complete in 5 minutes or less. If errors are discovered during these tests, the application must be rolled back.
Which strategy will meet these requirements?

Add a stage to the CodePipeline pipeline between the source and deploy stages. Use AWS CodeBuild to create an execution environment and build commands in the buildspec file to invoke test scripts. If errors are found, use the aws deploy stop-deployment command to stop the deployment.
B. Add a stage to the CodePipeline pipeline between the source and deploy stages. Use this stage to execute an AWS Lambda function that will run the test scripts. If errors are found, use the aws deploy stop-deployment command to stop the deployment.
C. Add a hooks section to the CodeDeploy AppSpec file. Use the AfterAllowTestTraffic lifecycle event to invoke an AWS Lambda function to run the test scripts. If errors are found, exit the Lambda function with an error to trigger rollback.
D. Add a hooks section to the CodeDeploy AppSpec file. Use the AfterAllowTraffic lifecycle event to invoke the test scripts. If errors are found, use the aws deploy stop-deployment CLI command to stop the deployment.

AWS DevOps Engineer Professional DOP-C01 – Question251

A company develops and maintains a web application using Amazon EC2 instances and an Amazon RDS for SQL Server DB instance in a single Availability Zone. The resources need to run only when new deployments are being tested using AWS CodePipeline. Testing occurs one or more times a week and each test takes 2-3 hours to run. A DevOps engineer wants a solution that does not change the architecture components.
Which solution will meet these requirements in the MOST cost-effective manner?

Convert the RDS database to an Amazon Aurora Serverless database. Use an AWS Lambda function to start and stop the EC2 instances before and after tests.
B. Put the EC2 instances into an Auto Scaling group. Schedule scaling to run at the start of the deployment tests.
C. Replace the EC2 instances with EC2 Spot Instances and the RDS database with an RDS Reserved Instance.
D. Subscribe Amazon Cloud Watch Events to CodePipeline to trigger AWS Systems Manager Automation documents that start and stop all EC2 and RDS instances before and after deployment tests.

Correct Answer: B
