AWS Certified SysOps Administrator SOA-C01 – Question380

Which of the following statements is true of tags and resource identifiers for EC2 instances?

You can't select instances by their tags for stoppage, termination, or deletion
B. You don't need to specify the resource identifier while terminating a resource.
C. You don't need to specify the resource identifier while stopping a resource.
D. You can select instances by their tags for stoppage, termination, or deletion

Correct Answer: A


Explanation: You can assign tags only to resources that already exist. You can’t terminate, stop, or delete a re-source based solely on its tags; you must specify the resource identifier. For example, to delete snap-shots that you tagged with a tag key called DeleteMe, you must use the DeleteSnapshots action with the resource identifiers of the snapshots, such as snap-1234567890abcdef0. To identify re-sources by their tags, you can use the DescribeTags action to list all of your tags and their associated resources. Reference:…