AWS Certified SysOps Administrator SOA-C01 – Question347

_________ is a fast, reliable, scalable, fully managed message queuing service.

AWS Data Pipeline
B. Amazon SES
C. Amazon SQS
D. Amazon SNS

Correct Answer: C


Explanation: Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) is a fast, reliable, scalable, fully managed message queuing service. SQS makes it simple and cost-effective to decouple the components of a cloud application. Decoupling the components of an application -you have a queue of work items and want to track the successful completion of each item independently. Amazon SQS tracks the ACK/FAIL results, so the application does not have to maintain a persistent checkpoint or cursor. After a configured visibility timeout, Amazon SQS deletes acknowledged messages and redelivers failed messages. Configuring individual message delay -you have a job queue and you need to schedule individual jobs with a delay. With standard queues, you can configure individual messages to have a delay of up to 15 minutes. Dynamically increasing concurrency or throughput at read time -you have a work queue and want to add more consumers until the backlog is cleared. Amazon SQS requires no pre-provisioning. Scaling transparently -your buffer requests and the load changes as a result of occasional load spikes or the natural growth of your business. Because Amazon SQS can process each buffered request independently, Amazon SQS can scale transparently to handle the load without any provisioning instructions from you.