AWS Certified SysOps Administrator SOA-C01 – Question422

A user creates an Auto Scaling group from the Amazon AWS Console and assigned a tag with a key of "environment" and a value of "Prod". Can the user assign tags to instances launched in the Auto Scaling group, to organize and manage them?

Yes, this is possible only if the tags are configured at the launch configuration with a maximum length of 300 characters.
B. Yes
C. Yes, this is possible only if the tags are in the same AZ and the tag names are uppercase.
D. No

Correct Answer: B


Explanation: You can organize and manage your Auto Scaling groups by assigning your own metadata to each group in the form of tags. You specify a key and a value for each tag. A key can be a general cate-gory, such as “project”, “owner”, or “environment”, with specific associated values. By default, the instance will have a tag with the key as “aws:autoscaling:groupName” and the value as the name of the group. Reference:…