Certified Information Systems Security Professional – CISSP – Question299

What determines the level of security of a combination lock?

Complexity of combination required to open the lock
B. Amount of time it takes to brute force the combination
C. The number of barrels associated with the internal mechanism
D. The hardness score of the metal lock material

Correct Answer: A


Reference: https://books.google.com.pk/books?id=RbihG-YALUkC&pg=PA976&lpg=PA97… +level+of+security+of+a+combination +lock&source=bl&ots=ld6arg_Pl9&sig=ACfU3U0kh_Trrg6mQ65NmAP5PnUCIPmD0Q&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjg69zN4 KnpAhUJmRoKHR01B_MQ6AEwDHoECBUQAQ#v=onepage&q=combination%20lock&f=false